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Mindfulness Meditation & Mind Life Developments

Broaden the horizon of life with more dynamic, happy, peaceful and progressive way! through Mindfulness Meditation Mind Life Developments. We publish here articles and news related Mindfulness Meditation Mind Life Developments.

Study finds clear – yet surprisingly different – benefits in 3 types of meditation-based mental training

As citizens of the 21st century, we face many problems that come with an industrialized and globalized world. I’m not a lawyer or a politician, but a psychologist and neuroscientist. So research on how to train helpful mental and social capacities is my way to contribute to a more healthy, communal, and cooperative civilization.




Mindfulness could help to stave off dementia, research suggests

Mindfulness and meditation could stave off dementia, research suggests. Analysis of research involving 30,000 people found that those who suffered moderate to severe anxiety in mid-life were more likely to develop dementia years later.

Researchers said responses to stress may speed up brain cell ageing and degenerative changes in the central nervous system, increasing vulnerability to conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

US scientists recently found that an eight week course of mindfulness, involving daily classes, can help lower inflammatory molecules and stress hormones by around 15 per cent.




Mindfulness: a cheat's guide to achieving it

As bankers become the latest Britons to invest in mindfulness, a technique to 'stay in the present moment' and de-stress, Radhika Sanghani speaks to two practitioners to find out how to actually achieve it.

Chances are that you know what mindfulness is. After all, the ancient Buddhist meditation has been around for centuries, and lately it’s become so popular that large City firms are now recommending it to stressed-out bankers. Schools, too, are adopting the practice to help children focus. The US military offers mindfulness trainings to marines, and it’s even taught at Harvard.





Beyond Belief: BBC Radio 4: The Power of Chanting

Buddhist Mindfulness Chanting is Therapeutic and Open to All.

Chanting has been practised for thousands of years by Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. It is said to have health benefits and today, practitioners suggest that it can combat the stresses of modern life. Joining Ernie Rea to discuss the power of chanting are Dr Sarah Shaw, Honorary Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies; Christopher Page, Professor of Medieval Music and Literature at the University of Cambridge and Gresham Professor of Music at Gresham College, London; and Michael Trimble Professor Emeritus and Consultant Physician to the Department of Psychological Medicine at the National Hospital London. Pop singer Belinda Carlisle talks about how chanting has helped her to combat her addictions.

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