Welcome to The Buddhist Academy for Education Meditation Psychotherapy & Counselling
The Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Academy is a delightful Cultural Centre for Education, Meditation, Psychotherapy and Counselling, situated in Letchworth Garden City (First Garden City of the World) in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. Centre was established in 2004.

Centre is open from 6AM till 9PM seven days of the week.
Address: 69, Pix Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 1PZ
Telephone: 01462 641 688 Mobile: 07983 466 105
Email: buddhistacademy@gmail.com
The Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Academy is a delightful Cultural International Community Centre for Education, Meditation, Psychotherapy and Counselling. It is situated in Letchworth Garden City (First Garden City of the World), in Hertfordshire in The United Kingdom. The Centre was established in 2004. Ven Akurala Samitha is the founder and the head of the centre.
Venerable Akurala Samitha (Bhante Samitha) started the centre on 19th April 2004 and obtained the UK Registered charity status on 22nd September 2006 Registration No: 1116187. Also registered as a place of worship on 30th August 2018 Registered No: 84656.
This Buddhist centre came into existence due to the dedication and resolute desire of the local community in Letchworth and London to practice the Buddha’s teachings. Today this centre stands out as a success of their struggle to establish a Buddhist temple near their homes since the actual inception of their Buddhist Organization in 2000.
We are based on 69, Pix Road Letchworth Garden City Hertfordshire SG6 1PZ. We used to rent the property till 2006 and now we maintain the centre as a mortgage prooperty to fulfil our spiritual developments by practising the Buddha’s teachings. Our services are being further strengthned and continuous with excellent progressive benefits as a UK registered Charity.
We share our noble services worldwide with no demarcation of colour, creed or gender. Our Centre has highly spiritual natural environment with a beautiful shrine room of the statue of Samadhi Buddha. It is a sanctury to thosewho deserves to find solace and true sense of happiness.
We organize different Buddhist Studies Classes, Language Classes, Meditation sessions with Psychotherapy and Counselling, Multi-religious forums, Buddhist Rituals and cultural activities for the benefit of our community. Three Sri Lankan Buddhist monks who are highly qualified especially with Theravada Buddhist tradition reside at the centre to guide our activities. The Buddhist monks perform the services needed to the local community.
We are pleased to welcome you all to our centre. Although our Buddhist Centre is a small place we trust that benefits of this centre are enormous and if you could visit our centre you would suprise to experience the peace and tranquillity in our centre.

Samadhi Buddha Statue in Main the Shrine Room

Sapling of Sacred Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi Tree

The Shrine of Twenty Eight (Atavisi) Buddhas

Objects of Veneration – Relics – The Book of Protection

Front View of the Centre

Temple Garden

Monks Dinning Hall - Dana Sala

Seevali Maha Rahathan Vahanse The Greatest Enlightened Monk Among Fortunate

Devotees Dinning Area

Book Shop & The Liberary

Book Shop

Book Shop
Buddhist Items For Sale
Buddhist Items for Sale
Seminar Room
Venerable Akurala Samitha with Right Honerable Barones Warsi PC
Venerable Akurala Samitha with Ajahn Amaro & Ajahn Khemadhammo
Venerable Akurala Samitha with HM Forces
Venerable Akurala Samitha with First appointed Buddhist Chaplain to the HM Forces Dr Sunil Kariyakarawana
Venerable Akurala Samitha with Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala (Chief Prelate of UK, President of Sri Lankan Monks Council in UK & Head of London Buddhist Vihara) Councillor Mrs Joan Kirby (Vice Chairman of North Herts District Council)
Venerable Akurala Samitha, Councillor Mrs Joan Kirby (Vice Chairman of North Herts District Council) & Sri Lankan High Commissioner H.E. Dr Chris Nonis
Venerable Akurala Samitha with North Herts District Counsil Chairman and members and Venerable Monks of Sri Lankan Sangha Council UK
Venerable Akurala Samitha with Councillor Mr Michael Weeks, Mrs Kay Weeks , Chairman of North Herts District Council, Cllr Mr Michael Paterson, Letchworth Committee Chairman of NHDC, Reverend Michael Roden, Chair person of North Herts Interfaith Forum & Rector of Hitchin
Venerable Akurala Samtiha with The High Sherriff
Lord Charles Cecil enjoy talking Buddhism
Venerable Akurala Samitha with The High Sherriff Lord Charles Cecil NHDC Chairman Cllr Michael Weeks & Mrs Weeks NHDC Chief Executive Mr John T Campbell & Members of Dhamma Nikethanaya and Local Press
Venerable Akurala Samitha with His Worshipful Mayor of Bedford Mr Dave Hodgson & Mrs Cheryl Green
Venerable Akurala Samitha with Founding Members of North Hertfordshire Interfaith Forum in 2004
Venerable Akurala Samitha with Right Honourable Mr Richard Howitt (MEP) Member of European Parliament at a visit to the Centre in 2004 to appreciate the work.
Venerable Akurala Samitha with His Excellency Mr Faiz Mustapha PC (Sri Lankan High Commissioner From 04-2002 till 02-2005) in his personal visit to the centre in 2004 to appreciate the work.
Venerable Akurala Samitha with Sri Lankan High Commissioner H. E. Mrs. Kshenuka Senewiratne (2005 (February) – 2008 (May) at SLHC on 16th July 2006
Martin Lewis (Former BBC Newsreader) Reverend Akurala Samitha (President of the charity) Marilyn Fleischmann (BAA employee Charity Fundraiser) and BAA Chief Executive Mike Clasper. Receiving the Outstanding Contribution to the Community Accolade award of £5000.00 on Annual BAA i-volunteer awards in London Thursday 19th January 2006