Donate A Food Parcel on Buddha Day Vesak Full Moon Poya Day to a Destitute Covid Family
Please help us to help those who are struggling and destitute with home quarantine due to the unprecedented surge of Covid-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka. If you would like kindly to donate a parcel of food on this Vesak Sambuddha Day 26th May 2021, please either donate to the bank account details below or contact us. Thank you.
Donate A Food Parcel on Vesak Poya Full Moon Day
We are being kindly requested to help. Please help us to help those who are struggling and destitute with home quarantine due to the unprecedented surge of Covid-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka. If you would like kindly to donate a parcel of food on this Vesak Sambuddha Day 26th May 2021, please either donate to the bank account details below or contact us. May you all be well and safe..!
By donating £15/= you can offer one parcel to a family for a month food requisites. If you like to donate for more than one family, you can do so.
Sort Code: 20-41-15
Account No: 93992683
Barclays Bank PLC, Letchworth
A/C Name: Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya
Kindly put online Bank Reference as: SL-Covid (your name).
Please kindly text or call or email us to confirm your contribution if can.
Our Mobile numbers: 07983 466 105 or 07944 13 53 14
Please Share this message with all your contacts:
Getting Ready….
Donate a Food Parcel to a Home Quarantine Needy Family on Buddha Day Vesak..
Updates for Rejoicing for those who are supporting…
Please Continue to Join to Help…
Share Our Message on FACEBOOK Bhante Samitha Meditation Centre
Mobile: 07983 466 105

We cant go to temple
We are at home in lock down
but Lord Buddha is not Angry as he understand the situation
However there is no lack of Vesak in heart...
We are Celebrating Vesak in our heart... and from home..
says by children in Sri Lanka
Please watch this video Below
If you would like to send a food parcel to those families please let us know...
hank you so much & Huge Blessings
For Helping this Noble Cause...
Donating Food Parcels to Those who on Home Quarantine and Affected Needy Families from Covid-19 Corona Pandemic On Vesak Buddha Day 26-05-2021
Vesak Danasela..
Just Sharing Highlights to Rejoice Together by Seeing Such a Noble Sharing..
Huge Thank you and Lots of Blessings for Those Who Donated...
Food Parcels For Those Who Become Destitute and On Home Quarantine On Vesak Full Moon Poya Buddha Day...
We continue the distribution from Wednesday 26th May till 30th May 2021..
You can still contribute into this noble cause by visiting our website or Facebook page.
We need few more food parcels...
For More Details, please visit our Facebook page:
Vesak Danasela Food Sharing
Thank you for already helped..
Please share with your friends...
We need anotehr few more food parcels..
If you would like to send a food parcel to those families please let us know...
Milton Keynes Vihara Mindfulness Meditation Centre Opening Ceremony 23-11-2018