Letchworth Meditation Seminar
A special Seminar will be held to introduce MINDFULNESS CONFERENCE 2013 on Sunday 24th March from 2PM till 5PM at St. Michael's Church Hall, Letchworth with rare presence of SCHOLARS. Objectives are to set up a circle of Mindfulness practitioners, crate a dialogue to broaden up the knowlege and make Mindfulness practice more eminant in our environments.
The Art & Science of Peace, Happiness & Well-Being..!
You are cordially invited to our “MINDFULNESS CONFERENCE 2013”. Letchworth Meditation Seminar will be held on Sunday 24th March 2013 from 2PM till 5PM at St. Michael’s Church Hall, Broadway, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3Pq.
The MINDFULNESS CONFERENCE will take place annually and intend to achieve a network or circle of Mindfulness practitioners, broaden and brighten up knowledge and facts on Mindfulness Practice by dialogues with scholars and making the techniques of Mindfulness way of life more familiar in daily life and local communities.
This special programme will take place in combine with our Centre Anniversary Day
Commemoration. Launching Seminar will be attended By following eminent scholars’.
1. Dr Eliot Cohen (Senior Psychology Lecturer of Leeds Metropolitan University
Seminar Presentation Title: Psychology, Psychotherapy & Mindfulness
2. Venerable Phara Nicholas Thanissaro (Doctoral Researcher at University of Warwick)
Seminar Presentation Title: Practical benefits & Simplicity of Mindfulness Practice.
3. Mr Madawala hemananda (Well Known Writer, A fellow of RICS & Founder Member of TMS)
Seminar Presentation Title: Science, Emptiness & Mindfulness
4. Venerable Akurala Samitha (Head of Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Centre)
Seminar Presentation Title: Co-ordinator of the Conference Objectives.
Please email us on buddhistacademy@gmail.com to reserve your place.
12:00 PM – 01:00 PM : Lunch to all at Buddhist Centre 69, Pix Road, Letchworth SG6 1PZ
2:00 PM: Reception at St Michael’s Church Hall, Broadway Letchworth SG6 3PQ
2:05 PM: Welcome By Venerable Akurala Samitha
2:07 PM: Presentation By Dr Elliot Cohen
2:45 PM: Break Time to meet each other by introducing oneself
2:50 PM: Presentation By Venerable Phara Nicholas Thanissaro
3:20 PM: Break Time for Refreshments
3:30 PM: Presentation By Mr Madawala Hemananda
4:00 PM: Break Time to meet each other
4:10 PM: Questions and Answers time
4:40 PM: Closing Greetings, Feedbacks and Book shop
5:00 PM: Programme End

Dr Elliot Cohen CPsychol CSci - Senior Lecturer and Course Leader in Psychology and Society- Interdisciplinary Psychology BA (Hons)
Qualifications: Chartered Psychologist, PhD Psychology, PGCE (HE), BSc (Hons) Psychology, Chartered Scientist
Biography: He was born and raised in Leeds. He began his academic career at Manchester Metropolitan University lecturing in Psychology (Discourse Analysis, Critical Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis). He then spent a year working as a researcher for the BBC (Department of Religion and Ethics). Taking a break from the media, he trained as a Psychotherapist for several years and worked in Psychiatric units and therapeutic communities in and around Manchester (Psychodrama, Dramatherapy, Music Therapy and Mindfulness Based Therapies).
He has travelled extensively around the Far East (China, Japan and India) where he studied Daoist, Buddhist, and Hindu philosophy. Following his travels he lectured at Manchester University's Centre for Jewish Studies, on hybrid/multiple religious identities and comparative religion, and was made an Honorary Fellow in 2006. In 2007 he became the director of the Manchester Academy for Transpersonal Studies http://www.transpersonalacademy.co.uk/, and ran courses for the general public on Buddhist, Daoist and Hasidic philosophy with Manchester University's Centre for Continuing Education. He is hoping to set up similar courses open to the general public here in Leeds.
Main Responsibilities: Course Leader for Psychology and Society BA (Hons) and Admissions Tutor
Ven. Phra Nicholas Thanissaro MA, PGCE, BSc, Dip.Med.Teacher, of UK origin who has been a Thai Buddhist monk for 16 years and has over 20 years of Buddhist experience.
He has been giving popular meditation courses in Europe since 1997 and has several TV guest spots, meditation CD's and books to his name. He is also a Complementary Meditation Association qualified teacher of meditation.
Mr Madawala Hemananda Bsc (Est. Man) FRICS holds a degree in Estate Management from the University of London and he is a fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. He retired in 2001 after working for 12 years as the Assistant Director in charge of Estates and Valuation Division in one of the London Borough Councils. He is a founder member of the Thames Meditation Society and has been its President for 10 years. He is a well known writer and eminent speaker in Buddhism, Science and meditation. His previous books, “Nature and Buddhism” and “Quantum Theory and Buddhism” continue to be sold and read worldwide. His recent publication is “Emptiness, Natural Selection and Buddhism”.